Build and Install
Create the src directory if it doesn’t already exist.
mocap4r2_ws$ mkdir src && cd src
OptiTrack System
To test the OptiTrack system, follow these steps:
The OptiTrack drivers for ROS2 are based on the NatNet SDK 3.1.0. When building the mocap4ros2_optitrack package, the SDK is automatically downloaded and installed.
Additionally, this package depends on two repositories from the MOCAP4ROS2 project: - [mocap_msgs]( - [mocap4r2_control](
Clone the required repositories:
mocap4r2_ws/src$ git clone
mocap4r2_ws/src$ git clone
mocap4r2_ws/src$ git clone
Manage ROS2 dependencies:
mocap4r2_ws/src$ vcs import < mocap/dependency_repos.repos
sudo rosdep init # May not be needed if already done
rosdep update
mocap4r2_ws$ cd .. && rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
Build the workspace:
cd ~/mocap4r2_ws/
mocap4r2_ws$ colcon build --symlink-install
To configure the system, check and modify the file config/mocap4ros2_optitrack_driver_params.yaml. Please remember to update the host_name parameter to match the IP address and port of the machine running the OptiTrack system.
After sourcing the workspace, you can launch the OptiTrack driver with:
ros2 launch mocap4r2_optitrack_driver
Since the OptiTrack driver is a lifecycle node, you’ll need to activate it after launching:
ros2 lifecycle set /mocap4r2_optitrack_driver_node activate
To visualize the data, you can use the rviz2 tool:
ros2 launch mocap4r2_marker_viz mocap4r2_system:=optitrack
Vicon System
To test the Vicon system, follow these steps:
The Vicon drivers for ROS2 are based on Vicon DataStream SDK 1.11.0. When building the mocap4r2_vicon_driver, the SDK is automatically downloaded and installed.
Additionally, this package depends on two repositories from the MOCAP4ROS2 project: - [mocap4r2_msgs]( - [mocap4r2_control](
Install the dependencies:
sudo apt-get install wget git p7zip-full
Clone the required repositories:
mkdir -p ~/mocap4r2_ws/src
cd ~/mocap4r2_ws/src
git clone -b rolling
cp mocap4ros2_vicon/mocap4ros2.rosinstall .rosinstall
wstool update
Manage ROS2 dependencies:
mocap4r2_ws$ sudo rosdep init # May not be needed if already done
rosdep update
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
Build the workspace:
cd ~/mocap4r2_ws/
colcon build --symlink-install --packages-up-to mocap4r2_vicon_driver
To configure the system, check the file config/mocap4r2_vicon_driver_params.yaml. Be sure to update the host_name parameter to match the IP address and port of the machine running the Vicon tracker.
After sourcing the workspace, you can launch the Vicon driver with:
ros2 launch mocap4r2_vicon_driver
Since the Vicon driver is a lifecycle node, you’ll need to activate it after launching:
ros2 lifecycle set /mocap4r2_vicon_driver_node activate
To visualize the data, you can use the rviz2 tool: .. code-block:: console
ros2 launch mocap4r2_marker_viz mocap4r2_system:=vicon